Professional Development for Institutions and Instructors
Utilization of Cognitive Strategies
Ability to Self Regulate
Instructor Efficacy
Instructor Perseverance
Emotional Management of Self
Emotional Management of Others
An innovative program that impacts teaching and learning of STEM students through the active training of cognitive and affective skills, specifically to support and improve diversity, equity, and retention in STEM courses.
The Professional Development training program is designed to address six factor areas:
Two levels of training provides instructors the ability to engage students in their STEM courses and/or implementing the OS² Project Curriculum.
Level I: Instructor training designed to teach to the cognitive and the affective domains with implementation in and out of STEM courses.
Level II: Instructor training that encompasses Level I, and also provides the ability to facilitate the OS² curriculum.
To assess the needs of students from both the cognitive and affective learning domains.
To leverage motivational factors, and create shifts in students mindsets and attitudes.
To identify and understand students approach and process to learning and managing fear and doubt.
That cultivate key questions to ask students to personalize responses that promote positive student outcomes.