Instructor Professional Development

For Science & Math Instructors, STEM Departments, and Institutions

The Professional Development training program is designed to address six factor areas:

  • Utilization of Cognitive Strategies

  • Ability to Self Regulate

  • Instructor Efficacy

  • Instructor Perseverance

  • Emotional Management of Self

  • Emotional Management of Others

Two levels of training provides instructors the ability to engage students in their STEM courses and/or implementing the OS2 curriculum.

Level I: Instructor training designed to teach to the cognitive and the affective domains with implementation in and out of STEM courses (during office hours).

Level II: Instructor training that encompasses level I, and also provides the ability to facilitate group discussions utilizing the OS2 curriculum.

OS² Student Curriculum

For STEM College Students

The OS2 (Optimizing STEM Students) curriculum is designed to address six factor areas:

  • Cognitive Strategies

  • Self-Regulation

  • Persistence

  • Self-Efficacy

  • Time Management

  • Stress Management

The OS2 curriculum is designed to be taught as an adjunct course to general chemistry and/or mathematics. It has also been shown effective as a stand-only course for STEM students.