In the 21st century we need a different approach to empower and expand the pipeline of students interested in becoming the next generation of scientists, mathematicians, and engineers.
Program at a Glance
To empower students, instructors must first be empowered.
Our approach to impact the STEM community at our partner institutions is to provide high fidelity Professional Development training to STEM faculty and measure the impact with our analytical tools. Participating instructors learn how to engage students from both the cognitive and affective (emotional) learning domains in a balanced manner.
The OS² Professional Development Training encompasses six factors that are designed to challenge instructors to effectively engage students with diverse life experiences in their STEM courses: (Utilization of Cognitive Strategies, Ability to Self Regulate, Instructor Efficacy, Instructor Perseverance, Emotional Management of Self, Emotional Management of Others).
All trained instructors will develop a personal action plan to implement in their STEM courses. In addition, trained STEM faculty will have the ability to utilize the OS² curriculum as a course, which is designed to increase students abilities in six factor areas and equip students on how to fully maximize their potential.
Faculty coached using the OS2 approach which includes the 6 factors and training to develop a Cognitive and Affective action plan will positively impact and engage the student STEM community. Additional training in the OS2 philosophy and curriculum will further empower STEM Students.
The OS² Project Training Programs
Previous & Current Partner Institutions